Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gun News

Bars & guns: Gun haters lose again

Once again, hysterical predictions of death and mayhem have bitten the dust after the expansion of concealed carry legislation. When are the anti gun nuts going to stop trying to curtail Americans' freedoms through fearmongering?

Florida localities are ripping ordinances from the books to comply with new state law

Currently, local governments have stringent ordinances that forbid guns from being brought to city parks and municipal buildings. But on Oct. 1, that will change. Last spring, the Florida Legislature passed HB 45, a law that prohibits local governments from regulating firearms and ammunition in their communities. And if they attempt to do so, they'll face severe penalties.

Sen. Moran: Our firearm freedoms are not negotiable

More than two centuries ago, our Founding Fathers wisely amended the U.S. Constitution to guarantee a Bill of Rights for its citizens. Rooted in freedom, our democracy has stood strong as Americans have enjoyed liberties unparalleled in the world including the fundamental right to keep and bear arms. Today, our freedoms and our country's sovereignty are in danger of being undermined by the United Nations.

Read About It: The Washington Times

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