Monday, March 12, 2012

Obama Administration Blocks Law Requiring Texas Residents to Show Photo ID Before Voting

Really? We'll see just how long the Chosen One actually has to back down from this...
If this isn't fought and won, we are through as a country. Texas may well go ahead and secede and put a stop to it ourselves. To hell with this Usurper-in-Chief and to hell with anyone who supports him.


  1. Shocked... again. Just when you think we've seen it all from this administration. This move is nothing more than an attempt at pandering to the Hispanic vote. If the block is successful, it may very well backfire on him. They underestimate the conservatism within our Hispanic community of LEGAL voters. This truly sickens me. Texas has the absolute right to pass such a law, without interference from the executive branch or department of justice. We’re witnessing the loss of our culture right before our eyes.

  2. Shocked... again. Just when you think we've seen it all from this administration. This move is nothing more than an attempt at pandering to the Hispanic vote. If the block is successful, it may very well backfire on him. They underestimate the conservatism within our Hispanic community of LEGAL voters. This truly sickens me. Texas has the absolute right to pass such a law, without interference from the executive branch or department of justice. We’re witnessing the loss of our culture right before our eyes.

  3. In a letter to Texas officials, the Justice Department says Hispanic voters in Texas are as much as 120 percent more likely than non-Hispanic voters to lack a driver's license or personal state-issued photo ID.

    Now, why is that? Why would so many legal, law-abiding citizens not have some form of state issued photo I.D.? Come on! And they make this a civil rights issue? What a joke.
