Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen... Colion Noir.

“I don’t have fans, I have supporters,” Noir shot back. “This is real life, not music, not movies, real life. You kicked the hornets and thought you could walk away, but you were wrong. The NRA came to me after saying what I have been saying for two years. We’re not lil wayne fans, we take this seriously, we believe in our rights and the ability to protect ourselves. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, we are Americans with the right to live and protect that life. The gun is the equalizer in a world of evil whether you want to believe it or not. Remember this the next time you decide to come down from your ivory tower and attack someone’s motives who you know nothing about. As pro gunners we protect our own, the same way we would protect you with our guns if someone threatened your life.”

For further reading of the above paragraph, check out:

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